As many things
as captivated me
also kept me
engrossed and
quite busy. I was
like a sponge and
it was all coming
in fast and strong.
At every turn it
seemed to me as
if NYCity was
nothing else if
not just a massive,
wide-open school.
Fascinating. The
huge library took
me in, all the
galleries up along
57th, and at the
Fuller Building,
everything I
could handle,
wherever it
was. I learned
things - which
were often funny
to me. Things such
as - that, in
reading the
words of
someone else
in the writing
of another,
the item, if
there was
incorrect within
it, like a mis-spelling
or something, it was
labelled, in brackets,
with a '[sic]',
which essentially
meant to say
'his mistake, not
mine.' I found
that hilarious -
some academic
twerp so caught
up in his or her
self that they
couldn't even
fix or excuse
some other
person's local
error, but had to
'point it out,
gratuitously' as
if to say - 'look,
this is this idiot's
mistake, not mine.
I know better than
this craphead ever
did.' - I just wanted
someday to get
a hold of one
these jerks and
really let them
have it. It might
not seem like
much to any
of you reading
this, but to me
it stank of a
whiff of
which pretty
much was
indicative of
the uselessness
too of the
this jerk was
about to impart
to you as reader.
Voracious, I
was. I covered
every corner
and each angle
of New York
City I could,
and found plenty
of amazing and
cool things to
satisfy my own
wicked hunger.
Tidbits. The
docks and
waterfronts :
even the word
which in our
day pretty much
covered a wharf
or a dock worker,
actually, in the
1840's and then,
was the word
- read the following
and you'll see that,
and a '[sic]' too -
"Irishmen took
over the New York
City docks as
well. 'Along the
wharves,where the
colored man once
done [sic] the whole
business of shipping
and unshipping,' noted
one African-American
newspaper, 'there are
substituted foreigners
or white Americans.'
On any given day
five or six thousand
of these 'alongshoremen'
moved mountains
of cargo off ships
and around the
port, roaming from
pier to pier..."
So...see what I
mean. The use
here of some
colloquial, old
black guy's language
format has to be
pounced on,
highlighted -
for no effect. I'm
pretty sure any
one of us as
reader would
know what was
was going on with
that use of the
word 'done.' But
this jackel-boy just
has to point it out,
even though it's
already in quotes.
It was a funny
world. Another
one I found, while
reading some old
stuff, was that the
sports word, 'fan,'
had nothing to do
with 'fanatic,' - a
shortened form, as
I had thought. It was,
instead, in early
class-conscious and
quite separated, New
York negative slang given
to the new, high 'elite'
of lawyers, brokers,
editors, doctors and
sorts,who attended these
events, and were able
to pay the entry fees;
and then 'followed' the
sports in print. These
gentry enthusiasts were
known as 'the fancy',
later short to 'fan.'
one I found, while
reading some old
stuff, was that the
sports word, 'fan,'
had nothing to do
with 'fanatic,' - a
shortened form, as
I had thought. It was,
instead, in early
class-conscious and
quite separated, New
York negative slang given
to the new, high 'elite'
of lawyers, brokers,
editors, doctors and
sorts,who attended these
events, and were able
to pay the entry fees;
and then 'followed' the
sports in print. These
gentry enthusiasts were
known as 'the fancy',
later short to 'fan.'
There's a very
interesting cemetery,
down by First avenue
and 1st street -
something often
called 1st and 1st,
which, yes, can
get confusing. It's
under lock and key
now and not that
often opened -
only on special
days, tours, open
houses, etc. (an
open house at a
graveyard; pretty
novel idea). There
was a time, in
the 1950's and
60's, when a few
famous guys not
then quite famous,
all lived there -
people like Allen
Ginsberg and
some of those
guys - and they
often have references,
in their memoirs
and things, to
the view or what
they remember
the most of their
arrival at whomever's
apartment for a
party or a reading
or something. Crazy
guys, artists, writers,
dopers, singers. The
graveyard itself goes
way back to earliest
NYC history - all
those early and founding
rich family names.
Just like this one,
there are one or two
others like it, pretty
much hidden in
those lower confines
of old NYC, when
this wooded and
marshy area of
the old east side
was still coarsely
inhabited and
considered more
of a useless and
junk-land area.
I loved these
places - each
monument, the
ones you can still
read, have stories
and are, or seem,
just aching to let
you in on them.
a famous, old
New York name,
(Hamilton Fish,
probably the most
recent of the lot)
is represented in
here by its
pre-eminent and
founding name,
a guy named
'Preserved Fish.'
You can look
that up. It's
perservered [sic].
Plenty of fanfare,
and all the time.
It seemed as if
there was a parade
at every moment
for one thing or
another - canyon'd
streets, confetti and
ticker-tape, marching
bands and open cars.
Astronauts, ball teams,
ethnic confabs,
you name it, it was
there. Just a background
noise to everything.
I used to go down
to the old Federal Hall,
where there's a statue
of George Washington,
right by the stock
exchange building,
at the spot where
supposedly he took
the oath of office as
President - when
the previous, original
and old Federal Hall
was there. Now it's
all ponderous and
marble and columned
and granite and all.
Religiously displaying
placards and statues
and recreations in
story-line of all
sorts of things.
Guides and docents.
All for stuff that's
pretty much just a
made-up narrative
to fit the present
day. I'd just sit there
and watch the
world around me -
masses of people
engaged. Business.
Stocks and bonds.
Trading. Banking.
Right across the
way is some other
bank or something
building where in
the 1920's or so
some carriage-bomb
went off, killing
and maiming and
leaving shrapnel
holes still visible
and left as they
were in the side
and face areas of
the building where
it went off. In front
of it. It was nothing,
in the present day,
but always added
to the deepened
mystery and
presence of the
ghostly past that
I always felt all
around NYC.
Just another
instance of
same. Yet, part
of that whole 'game'
- about the ghostly
past - was that
it was all on you.
The guides and the
pictures and all,
they'll present to
you an accepted
narrative of the
way things
'supposedly' were,
they say, but it's
all on YOU to
see it. Each person
envisions and imagines
what they 'think' they
see differently. It's
the same with
everything else.
There's no 'there'
there, or anyway.
Elmira never had
anything like that.
Right in the center
of town sat this
really grand post
office; an entire
Elmira block taken
up. It's empty now,
and they've built a
new and real
ticky-tacky postal
facility across the
street, sharing the
space of the old
bus station, which
too has been
destroyed and
remade into a
child's puzzle kind
of place where
now people just
sit around, idly
waiting for buses
and things but
demanding, while
they wait, to be
amused and not
have to think about
things. That's the
kind of world we
have now. They'd
be most happy if
the bus came in
being driven by
Mickey Mouse or
some idiot move
character. God
forbid someone
had to think.
This gigantic old
post office building
is for sale. I passed
it not so long ago.
The whole place
is vacant - I
don't know
what sort of
shape it is inside,
but it would be
a project and a
half to buy that
place and find
a reason to make
it be something
again. All right
in the center of
town there, just
off a little, there's
also an understated
Civil War era
graveyard. Not
like the others,
at the far end
of town - there
are graveyards
there too, (Mark
Twain), with an
entire Civil War
section, but they
make a big stink
about it because
it sits at the foot
of the Elmira
which in the
Civil War days
was an actual
prisoner of war
camp for Confederate
soldiers - they were
hauled up there,
half dead and
wounded anyway,
and kept in real
miserable, cold
conditions (like
Prison, in Georgia,
for the union guys,
but at least there it
wasn't ever 12 below).
These soldiers dropped
dead like flies, and
just got buried by
number, in rows.
This other civil war
graveyard, downtown,
is just a big block
of dead people and
their stones. not
bragging about
anything, certainly
not themselves or
their place. Neighbors
and friends, just
ordinary Elmira
people, who went
south, and fought,
and died and came
back to be buried
among family, kin,
all oddly shared and
abutting, then, a Sears
parking lot strewn
with a bunch of dead
'69 Chevies and
Fords and stuff.
But the houses
all around it,
they were big,
old, and grand
structures all
from that era, and
still are - rambling
housefronts, multi-decked
porches and gables
and dormers and
all that really nice
old stuff. But they
were in disarray
and all tattered
and falling apart
some too. Everything
just always seemed
tired and wrecked,
even before the
flood, and then
after the flood it
was like a knock-out
in a really bloody
boxing ring. It was -
finally here saying
something good
about Elmira - always
peaceful and restful
and quiet there :
probably because
it was all on life-support
and just hanging in.
Except for the McDonald's,
and the local Pudgie's
Pizza stores, Elmira
was comatose and
long, long gone.
But I must say -
I liked it, like
that, and probably
for that reason.
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