Saturday, October 29, 2016


I sensed I didn't care, and I
knew that made things tough.
I was sitting, way down in some
southern Jersey outpost in the
pure middle-fringe of the
Pine Barrens, on a sandy
roadway -   nothing paved,
farmland around me, a few
pigs squealing as I threw
them their slop, it was a
late October, long afternoon,
the sky was fading to a dull
sort of orange, the roadway
paths and the endless scrub
pines had taken on a strange
orange glow themselves. I
didn't actually 'know' it was
the Pine Barrens, if it was.
That was a name people
 gave the area  -  not much
yet development, an odd
water-table, sand and little
hillocks, animals and ground
creatures, a filter-like sandy
soil, through which everything
liquid ran  -  self-cleansing,
as it were. Back home, before
all this, my father used to use
what was called 'Diatomaceous
Earth', or something like that,
in the pool filter system  -
same thing. Some ancient,
granular soil, from the real
true heart of the land, through
which the water ran to be
cleansed. Talk about Paradox.
Running through dirt in order
to be cleaned. Like Salvation
At each turn of events, there
was criticism, always: 'Done
incorrectly, skipped step five,
forgot about his, did too much
of that.' I got tired of hearing it.
What did I know anyway  -  if
all the others knew the rights
and the corrects, let them do
it all. I wanted my refuge.
There came a point that I
realized there was no way
in hell I wanted to become an
active agitator or representative
for the existing structure of
whatever 'religion' was going
down. Candles and candelabra.
Fire and scent. Incense and
peppermint, curse of Mankind.
(No, no, that was later).
Little boy lost, come blow
your horn, the sheep's in the
meadow, the cow's in the corn.
There seemed just always
too much going on : men
in bad suits, pomaded hair
and narrow ties. It always
seemed that politicians
ended up looking like
real-estate sharks, real-estate
sharks wanted to be like
barbers,  and barbers wanted
to be Managers of some
Woolworth's somewhere.
They are all interchangeable,
and stupid too boot. It's all
the same now, just slightly
changed, a new and better
'frequency', as it were. I had
two, interchangeable, cheap
dark-fabric suits, and I hated
each of them. On days when
I had to wear them (often
enough, and in a place
like that I always questioned
why), I gulped. Hated each
moment. The rest of the time
I had some really lame, cheap
and tacky, 'school' clothes.
Overused and over-worn.
What the hell does a 13-year
old kid, in his second year
in some private-school dump,
know about laundry, or care?
I know I didn't. The bloom
had long ago, and quickly,
left this rose.
There was an outpost, a place I
found once, deep in the barrens.
It was a cranberry camp, for all
the seasonal pickers. Abandoned,
off-season, I guess, no one around.
During cranberry season, the area
is busy  -  Ocean Spray and the
others, they have plants and
warehouses around here and 
there. This location, onto 
which I stumbled, took some
getting to  -  scrub woods, lots
of weedy stuff, an old path. 
Eventually, by walking, 
(obviously, there must have 
been another, better-traveled,
road in, maybe from a front
or side I'd not seen), I passed,
with surprise, a collection of
bee-keepers' things  -  those
hive-cabinets they keep or
whatever they are. About 
thirty of them, in a semi-circle 
range of each other. And then
some barracks-like buildings.
What was cool was that, 
communally, each building,
perhaps having no running
water, faced and shared a 
sandy, outside court wherein 
was a collection of shower 
stalls, sinks, three or four
outhouses, and a lean-to
type shelter of bench seats
along a wall. Making it even
more astounding, the line of
sinks ran in a row, and arrayed
along it, every 10 feet or so,
were metal, chrome soap dishes,
shoulder-high, and in each one
was still a bar of soap. All this
was mysterious and strange to
me. It (only vaguely) reminded 
me of Boy Scout camp : Camp 
Cowaw (little pine), in which 
we too had had a sort of
'communal' shower and wash
area, though nothing like this 
one. And that was 1959 anyway.
This one was, first, much larger
and far more industrious in its
set-up; serious, camp-like. I
immediately wondered about it.
Was it current? Only men? 
Only these seasonal men 
workers (I'd seen cranberry
bog workers, in the past, of
both sexes)? It all seemed like
a labor-camp, almost as if
some slavery set-up took place
there. Work by groups. All
quite confusing. But, in any
case, I loved it and thought it
to be the neatest-looking place
I'd seen. We had just recently,
in the seminary, done a Nazi
prison-camp play, entitled
'Stalag 17', and it reminded
me, immediately, mentally, 
of that entire milieu and 
scenario, which we'd only 
tried imitating or suggesting 
on the stage by props and
imaginings  - chairs, a few
tables, a fake, painted
camp-view out. In the theater
and on stage, that stuff is all
done by the visual suggestion
of props and painted scrims.
You kind of have to 'get' the
point across, almost scientifically,
with the most minimal of space
and effects How big, really, is 
a stage, and one 70 feet away 
as well? It's all trompe l'oeil
(trick the eye) kind of stuff. A
gimmick, yes, but an important
and vital one for telling the
purported storyline and getting 
 an adventure-in-time across. All
suggested. All made. By contrast,
this was solid-real? I wasn't that
sure. And then my mind, as it 
usually does, and did then too,
began extrapolating outward with
the ideas : how like life is all this?
Props and visual suggestions put 
to work to accelerate our own
somehow self-accrediting 'version' 
of acceptance and belief in what
we are viewing. It has its own
time-scheme, an opening, an 
Act I, a changeover, a 
denouement, a tragic, or a comic,
 lesson, an Act II, or III, and, 
curiously, an ending  -  always 
that. The vast curtain comes down.
Just like water, getting
cleaned by running
through dirt? I

Friday, October 28, 2016


Sitting back in the seminary,
with it surrounding, engulfing,
me, like a cloister, like a womb,
everything began to hit me
at once. All that old gibberish,
making little sense, just began
to annoy. To begin with, right
off the bat, there was the question
of how I should handle the fact
that 'God' got it wrong. Or
that's how I saw it. God's
threat was wrong, and the
serpent's was right: 'From
every tree you may eat but
from the tree which is in the
midst of Paradise do not eat,
for on that day you will surely
die.' But, the serpent, knowing
all  this, told Eve instead to eat
of it: 'On the day when you
eat from the tree...the eyes
of your mind will be opened.
And Eve obeyed...' And their
eyes were opened, and they
were ashamed. They did NOT
die that day. Now, the church
and all that establishment
stuff tried to cover this up,
and I got only the usual
boilerplate answers, but no
one could really reply, or tell
me, outside of their communal
'Doctrines' what it really meant,
what it said. "Well, it means 
that from that point on Mankind 
died and suffered and life was 
finite, and with great toil and 
anguish....." All that crud. 
Yeah, well, I guess. It also
meant the establishment
'church' by about the year 
300 had already become 
a statist bureaucracy of
linear means, with rank and
levels and duties and laws 
(when there was no other. 
Rome was breaking down,
nation-states had not yet
developed, and the great
void was filled by hoo-doo
priests and religious
entrepreneurs wanting
a piece of whatever action
they could make). Gold, (not
God) fills any void. I always
figured that if the 'Bible' 
was supposed to be God's 
'word' and taken as thereby, 
one could not simply go 
picking and choosing about 
what was allegorical and 
what was literal, and what 
this meant or what that 
meant. If, on page 80 in
Exodus, it says God spoke
 and burned in, 'Thou Shalt
Not Covet...etc.' and you go
on believing in all that, when
on page 19, Genesis, when it says
bad angels came down from 
'Heaven' and saw that earth-girls 
were beautiful and wanted and had
sex with them, so as to raise a
raise of giants, 'men of renown,'
you ought to be believing
that too. You can't have it both
ways and then call it Holy Writ,
and writ by God no less.
In time, I just got 
tired of it. I think part of 
the problem was the people
who were pushing all this
stuff. All the seminary
authorities were first-line
weirdos and geeks. No two
ways about it. In cassocks
and beads. There was
repression, anger, strange
symbolism, and a prodding
push for 'looking the other
way' going on at all times.
These were mostly
mid-western guys, all
Minnesota and Wisconsin
Germans, who had lived
their entire lives in this
harsh and tightly-woven
bundle of both attitude and
story-line. How  else to
present it? Lackadaisical
farm tales and romps in
the hay? This was all then
presented in a complete and
different format from what
I, and others, had ever been
used to  -  east-coast grit 
and tumble, the shadings 
of meaning and effect, 
that kind of urban groping
for cosmic meaning. They
hadn't a clue, and I soon
tired of their gibberish. 
In turn, I started snapping 
back. I was a young kid, 
here, in their employ, as 
it were, and by choice  
-  and I knew that.
But so what.
There was one big piece 
missing anyway  -  the 
key to the feminine. It 
seemed to be that the 
real world included 
feminine elements; great,
big, joyous and ever-sensitive 
gobs of it. This stupid way 
of living allowed for none
of that. Why? The Bible 
studies I did (and, oh, how
I scoured the stacks), also 
told me of two Gods, not 
one. The real, aloof, majestic 
cosmic God, who works 
from within and speaks
internally, in our ways, to 
each of us. Has nothing to 
do with this world. Which 
world's creation it opposed
anyway. That God contained,
in reserve as it were, both the 
masculine and the feminine 
in one (they're just stupid 
human terms anyway, part of
duplicitous Duality and nature)
and could, thereby, self-create 
at divine will. The lesser God, 
the Demi-urge, the scampy, 
erroneous, overly-active
one, made our world. In 
the same manner. Trial 
and error. Saw that it
was good. Or did not. 
Things fell by the wayside. 
Concepts arose  -  evil, bad,
good, perverse. negative.
It's all in the Bible, but 
suppressed. Pieces left in, 
suggested  -  two different 
creations stories. God as
a fallen angel, fallen to 
this world, Genesis 6, a 
massive parlay of really
weird information. All 
of Divinity contained 
both sexes. We were made
 'in that image' as it says.
Genesis 3:22, "Behold, 
Adam has become like
one of us, knowing evil 
and good. Let us cast 
him out of paradise, lest 
he take from the tree of 
life..." Made in the image.
'Male and female he made 
them.' People wanted to 
think that meant 'made 
Man and made Woman.'
What'if, in God's image, 
and just as it says, 'Male 
and Female He made them.' 
Like the gods themselves, 
containing both sexes? 
Talmudic rabbis have
put it thusly : "Then God 
said, "Let us make man 
(adam) in our image, after 
our the image 
of God He created him; 
male and female he created
him." Only later then, "It is 
not good for man to be 
alone." The split then to 
womanhood, as follows:
"when the Holy one...first 
created mankind, he created 
him with two faces, two 
sets of genitals, four arms 
and legs, back to back. Then
he split Adam in two, and made 
two backs, one on each side."
(Rabbi Samuel bar Nachman). 
Yeah, then so much for all 
that. I wanted no more 
of it at all.
To me all this Life stuff 
had to be, and was, more 
than conjecture. To be 
truthful, I lived my live,
even then, by revelation 
and by revealed truth 
alone. All the rest
was like a thousand 
little ants scurrying 
around some silly 
anthole   -  that they 
had made. All those little 
ant-talks and words about
how it got there and what 
it was. Without any ant 
realizing a thing  - that 
their own power had 
creatively sensitized the
idea of 'anthole' into being
and that it went on forever,
had a zillion entrances and
exits, and could be altered
and changed at will. It all
had to be done wisely and
creatively, otherwise you
were sure to be into slavery.
An 'Anthood' of your very
own. You'd even get to 
wear a cassock and beads
too. I knew all that already.
I also already sensed that
all things were wrong, all
things in error. That the
only truth was that some
Devilish evil bastard was
always at work trying to
drag you down, back into 
the pit, and seeking to use 
you for worldly purposes.
I was deep into trouble,
at age 13 already. It
couldn't be good. I sort
of sensed that, and hadn't
yet even crossed by own, big,
sexual divide. That was yet
all ahead of me. What I
did realize was that you couldn't
'reduce' the irreducible. There
came a time when each idea
couldn't be broken down
any smaller. You get to a point,
for instance: If there were two 
Gods, a entire seam of Gods, a 
God panel, any and all of that
mythological stuff that pre-dated
the entire Jew-God schema that 
we got stuck with, the Gods were
active beings, on and above Earth,
messing and toying with it, not 
just wrecking it and cursing it (like
Israel's God was shown to do, over
and over  -  fiery and irascible for
no sensible reason, as if He or It
has just sat on some great celestial
tack), they ruled a much happier
Earth. They made decisions and 
had their influences and squabbles 
in and within Mankind. To the 
creative joy of all, and the 
detriment of none. That
was a major difference. Then
you break that down, one less
God here, one less there, and 
you get dwindling down to,
well, maybe, One God. 
The 'Gospel of Truth', one
of the documents from Nag 
Hammadi, did unfortunately
get into my hands. About 1964.
That also split my brain wide 
open. I was one of those true
Agape guys, just sitting stunned.
Valentinus held this information
from Thadeus, a disciple of Paul's,
(you see, they never tell you this 
stuff, it's all been rejected and 
thrown out of the normal church
and Bible routine, buried, as it
were, for a third-day resurrection
that never came. This secret
reveals that the one whom most
Christians naively worship as
Creator, God, and Father, is,
in reality, only the image of a
true God. What is 'mistakenly'
ascribed to God actually applies
only to the 'creator,' the demiurge,
who reigns as King and Lord,
who acts as a military commander,
who gives the law and judges those 
who 'violate' it. In short, He is
the demeaning, and short, God 
of Israel. His authority and 
demands (Blake's 'Nobodaddy,' 
which, yes, all this led me into 
as well  -  remember, William 
Blake sought to be creating a 
'New Jerusalem' through his 
own work), are foolishness, and
anti-human. (Why would a God
who 'made us' then be anti-human?
They must be rejected, a well as
all his false claims to power (as
represented in religion, church, and
hierarchy), ['I am God, and there
is no other'] that derive from his
own ignorance.  The source of
divine power must be recognized,
the true source of it  -  'the depth'
of all being. "Whoever has come to
know that source simultaneously
comes to know himself  and
discovers his spiritual origin: he  
has come to know his true
Father and Mother.
Whew! Was I stuck, and 
in a pretty horrible place. Thus 
began the long, long, and slow, 
back-think for me in re-entering 
the world, (my Redemption Story)
my terms, and only with a great
and careful deliberation. It did,
thankfully, come to me : "I am
perception and knowledge,
uttering a Voice by means of 
Thought. I am the real Voice. I 
cry out in everyone, and they 
know that a seed
dwells within."

Thursday, October 27, 2016


Nothing but trouble, nothing
but trouble. Seems as if my
entire life was like that. I
guess I did it myself. First
real 'book' I ever read  -
believe you me, this is
true  -  was 'Autobiography
of a Yogi.' And it wasn't
about Yogi Berra, in case
that's what you thought.
It was 1959. Yogi Berra,
or as I called him, the
'Neanderthal Man,' was
a catcher for the Yankees,
who at this time was also
doing idiot-ads for Yoo-Hoo,
some chocolate-soda drink.
'Autobiography' on the
other hand, was a real book,
by Paramhansara Yoganandra,
and had been published in
1946. It split my head open,
right in half. I'm not sure
what you'd called him,
Indian mystic, Hindu
Wise-man, there's
surely a word for it. In
English, I mean. The people
of whom he was part, they
didn't care about words and
names like we do. That's
purely a western thing. To
this day I still get a belly
laugh out of all these rock
stars and fake poetry-philosophy
types who tell about their
supposed 'youth' in, like,
Minnesota, listening deep
at night on their little radios
to the far-off sounds of
Nashville, country-music,
blues, or race-music. That's
what black-folks' music
used to be called, in the
'industry'. Oh, wow, man.
Robert Johnson on the RCA;
twirling knobs from 1933.
Big deal. I was getting in,
loudly and clearly, Hindu
radio from 1600 years ago.
It's funny, when you're
growing up, the things they
hold out to you as exemplars:
a man-child, like Yogi Berra
was supposed to do it. Yeah,
sure, that'd work. Thanks,
world. What a measly crock
they offer  -  and it's still like
that today, poor kids, except
now the scrawny adults have
light-sabers, maybe race cars
or soccer balls, or rap-names
they expand while grabbing
their balls. You can bet some
local politico no-brainer will
be down the bottom of some
underpass somewhere saying
how great and enlightening
all this is. Whew! Glad none
of them was ever my father.
My little, local library, Avenel,
NJ, gave me everything I wanted.
I had my own personal librarian,
in fact. Mrs. Muccilli. She was
probably  -  forget about the
stupid, neighboring, school,
or Mr. Ziccardi or any of those
tweakbrains  -  for me the most
formative person I'd met. All
the books in that tiny library,
(and there weren't that many
'books' in there anyway), she
held out to me, with a smile.
and she never once 'stopped'
me from reading something,
no idiotic schoolmarm or
dumb-ass councilman
interdiction thinking they
'knew' better for me, and
holding out instead their own
versions of lies and puke for
kids to live by. She just always
said, 'Here! I understand.' I
went through every volume
of new and breaking prose
and poetry they'd get  -
Ashbery, Plath, Bishop,
Rexroth, O'Hara, Berryman,
Wright, Kerouac, Jarrell,
Ferlinghetti  -  the list went
on. I lived for that stuff, and
that little 2x4 library building
brought it all home for me.
I imagine she's long dead,
but I'd praise here every
day, if I needed to. Phillip
and Dennis,wherever you
guys are, your Mom was
the best, but tell her I
didn't quite make it.
I got to New York City while
some of these guys were yet
alive.  That was a good thing.
It brought vitality, even just
to having their names around.
So much time has passed now.
Names I see now, just drivel.
Billy Collins makes me ill.
I sort of, I admit, self-exiled
myself by age 11/12, by running
off to the seminary. I know I've
been through a lot of this on here
before, but that part is true. I
couldn't have run away any
faster if my head was on flyer
and there was a pair of vice-grips
on my 'manhood.' It was all too
much; the indifference, the
falsehood and the lying. I saw
it everywhere. A least, there,
hiding out, cloistered, learning
to be a 'human' (that was all new
to me), I could put together the
rudiments of a Life I'd choose
to live. Something better than
the usual skull-dudgery offered.
I had enforced and essential
'religious' duties there, but I
didn't care. I found that I could
listen to anybody, take it all in,
and understand just like them;
in fact, I was able to 'be' them
just so as to see through their
eyes and mind. I think one of
my unearthly extra gifts given
to me when I was put here was
the ability or capacity to present
myself as alike to whomever it
was before me. Take their view.
Understand their role. That was
a good thing. It allowed for a
compatriotism that always
drew itself up quickly and
seamlessly. No one looked
'past' what I presented to
them as 'me.' Easy rowing,
on a quite calm sea.
In the seminary, in the dark
of long corridors, or in chapel,
(our 'version ' of church, which
was really no more than like a
cabin-style church room in a
wooden barrack-type building
that belonged out somewhere
in the middle of the woods),
not one bit of it made any
sense, nor did it really bear any
relation to the internal truths and
arts of being as presented to me
by Yoganandra. I had passed
that great divide some time
before, and the literal sense
of 'real life'  -  all of it, even
the quack-platitudes of the
supposed leaders, culture-mavens,
entertainment masturbators,
and wise-men of the era, meant
nothing to me, or were a complete
clown-joke. As I used to like
to put it (I learned early to be
what's called, I guess, snarky,
or nasty, or sarcastic), people
fell into one of three camps.
Masturbators. Calculators.
Or Incubators. It was a way
of dividing up the known world
into self-indulgent obsessives,
wizened sneaks and tricksters,
or people who'd soon enough,
later, work their way up into
quite large problems, for
everyone else. The world
had no clue what was about
to come down. They all talked
one game and, for sure,
played hard at another.
Previous to the seminary,
and after the train-accident
coma period, I still had to
figure out a life. An earth-life,
let's say. Not that easy. The
small stance of a small boy.
All I did was watch things,
carefully, and everywhere.
I watched things along as
strange words and messages
echoed around in my mind.
Influencing things, and
changing them. Not for any
detriment, but for just for
the working-sense of a
better mesh with the 'reality'
I had to learn and work with.
It was harsh, and it was funny
too. Humor can be a good 
thing. You've got your 
extremes, that's all, and 
you've got to know to 
watch both of them  -  
on the one hand the 
Lenny Bruce, on the other, 
the Jackie Mason. Both too 
much of what they were, 
and in opposite directions.
I was sitting on the train 
yesterday, alone, in the first 
car. The conductor, about 4 
seats away, was also just 
waiting. It was 5:15, in the
AM, dark out. I was ready
for anything, as always. on
my way in. Thinking about
things, writing the beginnings 
of some of this down. Two
weird things happened. First,
the conductor, he'd taken out
some round thing, small, about
the size of a pie plate. He had
it in his bag. And he went to
on it, referring occasionally to
some guide or pattern book
he had on the seat. A diagram,
I guessed, of what he was doing.
It was totally bizarre to me. 
He was doing needlepoint, 
or whatever that's called  -  
a longish  needle, pulling 
some colored thread through
the plate thing he was holding.
I guessed he was making 
some sort of design, maybe 
a train-image or something. 
It was just very weird to see. 
I'd been riding these trains
for years, and conductors have
always, no matter what else,
in uniform and at their tasks,
first off, older than me, it 
seemed (though no one
 'working' is now), been
authority figures of a sought,
men at the business at hand.
Never needlepoint. And then
over the train signal radio 
thing he had on his belt, at 
a turned-up volume, came
the message : 'Reverse Our
Instructions, Of Previous.'
Whatever that meant, it put 
him into immediate action.
Away went the needlepoint, 
the threads and needles and 
the book, as he fiddled with
the volume knob, and, up 
and it it, left the seat area 
and went to the car-control
panel. It all kind of felt
dream-like to me. In the
dark too, as it was. Life 
sure has its odd moments.